About Us/Contact Us

What We Do

Teatro Paraguas stages contemporary award-winning Latinx plays in English and bilingual productions of Hispanic/Latinx poetry and classic cuentos (folk-tales), while promoting children's theatre, producing the works of New Mexico playwrights, and celebrating the history, richness and diversity of New Mexico's many cultures and artistic talent.

We are open to partnerships with other arts organizations, non-profit service organizations and local businesses, as well as commissions, mentorships, suggestions for programming, comments, and feedback.

Teatro Paraguas' "Son De Domingo" events provide opportunities for poets and musicians to perform in an intimate setting on Sunday evenings. We also make our studio available for classes, workshops, rehearsals, and performances by performers and other theater companies

Our Goals

Who We Are

Teatro Paraguas is a 501(c)(3) arts organization (FEIN 27-0410452) and serves as fiscal agent for several Santa Fe-based theater companies.

Founding Members

Macarena Muñoz (Spain), Cathy Nelson (Mexico), Gustav Alsina (Uruguay), Meg Hachman, Mary Mier, Karmela Gonzales, Enid Howarth, Corinna MacNeice, Ron Mier, Ray Gere, Crawford MacCallum, Argos MacCallum

Board of Directors:

President: JoJo Sena de Tarnoff 

Vice-Pesident: Paola Vengoechea Martini 

SecretaryCorinna MacNeice

Treasurer: Alan Rapoport


 Sylvia Chavez, Rudy Fernandez, Jeff Tarnoff, Cristina Vigil, Argos MacCallum, Noah G. Simpson, Margot Cole, 
Elsa  Lopez

 Kids and Teens

Teatro Paraguas is committed to working with teens and young people from  Santa Fe's Tri-Cultures, with an emphasis on reaching native Hispanic and immigrant families. 

Past projects include:

Young actors work alongside experienced adult actors onstage, gaining invaluable experience.

Our Productions

Our work falls roughly into three categories:

Since 2008, Teatro Paraguas has produced 37 plays by 21 New Mexico playwrights.  We are committed to promoting local writers, particularly those whose work reflects the Hispanic/Latino/New Mexico experience. In addition, Teatro Paraguas has produced seven original children's plays written by Rebecca Morgan featuring original music by Jeff Tarnoff and JoJo Sena de Tarnoff (known as MELANGE)

Big Words, by Joey Chavez


In My Father's House, by Jacalyn Kane
Viva México: The Dance, Poetry, and Music of México, by Xochitl Ehrl, Thelma Arguello, James Stake


Black Range Trilogy, by John Macker
Cat's Pajamas, by Vicki Meager
United in Blood, the Revolutionary Poetry and Music of Chile, by James Stake

11 Short Plays, by Joey Chavez
Coyote Acid, by John Macker
Save the Bees, by Bill O'Neill

Curious Smiles, by Robert F. Benjamin
Typhoon, by Alix Hudson
Hunker Up, by Robert F. Benjamin

Hummingbird, by Alix Hudson
Hunker Down, by Robert F. Benjamin
Love in the DMZ, by Julie Shapiro
Volver Volver Volver, by Leonard Madrid

We Are Hispanic-American Women,...OK?, by Patricia Crespin
Word Over All, by Dan Bohnhorst

Atravesada: Poetry of the Border, by Alix Hudson

                                                                  2017Lola's Last Dance, by E.A. "Tony" MaresStill in the Game, by Robert Benjamin
2016Revolution, by Alix Hudson
2015  Our Lady of Mariposas, by Alix Hudson            Not Quite Right, by Robert Benjamin       2014When The Stars Trembled in Rio Puerco, by Shebana Coelho
2013Salt and Pepper, by Robert Benjamin
2011Manhattan Glass, by Joey ChavezThe Medea Complex, by Patricia Crespin
2010The Ballad of Sucio's Frog, by Mary MierShortes and Overpopulation, by Angelo JaramilloChoices, by RosaRio RoybalLion in the Lamb, by Deborah DennisonParted Waters, by Robert Benjamin
2009We Are Hispanic-American Women...OK?, by Patricia CrespinLas tres Pigletitas y el Diablo the Wolf, by Patricia Crespin
2008Las Apariciónes de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, by Linda Pedro de MartinezArrores, by Angelo Jaramillo

Our Space

Teatro Paraguas maintains a 55-seat studio theatre for its own productions and as a community resource for performing and literary arts in northern New Mexico. We also are an incubator for emerging theatre groups, youth groups, individual performers, poets and musicians. We have produced 90 plays since our debut performance ¡Neruda: Canto Porque Canto y Porque Canto! in 2004.

This project is made possible in part by 

The Santa Fe Community Foundation 
New Mexico Arts, a division of the the Department of Cultural Affairs 
The National Endowment for the Arts
The Santa Fe Arts Commission 
The Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry 

Our patrons and private donors 

Contact Us

Executive Director: Argos MacCallum

Office Hours: By appointment only


Teatro Paraguas, 3205 Calle Marie, Suite B

Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87507

Tel: 505-424-1601

Email: teatroparaguas@gmail.com

Facebook: Facebook.com/teatro.paraguas  or  Teatro Paraguas Fan Page

Instagram: @teatroparaguas

To visit our studio, call for an appointment. Please contact us if you wish to be placed on our email list.